43 research outputs found

    Spiking neural networks trained with backpropagation for low power neuromorphic implementation of voice activity detection

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    Recent advances in Voice Activity Detection (VAD) are driven by artificial and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), however, using a VAD system in battery-operated devices requires further power efficiency. This can be achieved by neuromorphic hardware, which enables Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) to perform inference at very low energy consumption. Spiking networks are characterized by their ability to process information efficiently, in a sparse cascade of binary events in time called spikes. However, a big performance gap separates artificial from spiking networks, mostly due to a lack of powerful SNN training algorithms. To overcome this problem we exploit an SNN model that can be recast into an RNN-like model and trained with known deep learning techniques. We describe an SNN training procedure that achieves low spiking activity and pruning algorithms to remove 85% of the network connections with no performance loss. The model achieves state-of-the-art performance with a fraction of power consumption comparing to other methods.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Salmonellosis in wild birds and its relationship with the infection in finishing pigs

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    The potential relationship between Salmonella infection in wild birds and pigs was investigated. Feces from pigs, wild birds, and bird droppings or other environmental samples from 25 finishing farms were cultured for Salmonella isolation. In 17 (68%) farms Salmonella was isolated. Out of 57 Salmonella isolates found, 32 (56.1%) were Typhimurium. In 6 (24%) farms the same Salmonella serotype was isolated from samples from different origins and similar AR and PFGE patterns were found, which would support the existence of a transmission cycle of Salmonella infection between birds and pigs in this area. Preventing bird access to farm premises is highly recommende

    The use of meat juice or blood serum for the diagnosis of Salmonella infection in pigs and its possible implications on Salmonella control programs

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    Serology is the method of choice for country-scale Salmonella control programs in pigs and can be carried out both on blood serum or meat juice. However, the diagnostic performance of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) on these sample matrices has not been sufficiently compared. The agreement between the serum ELISA and meat juice ELISA on samples taken from commercial farms was assessed in 2 pig populations (adult sows and finishers). Results of optical density percentage (OD%) from the serum ELISA were consistently higher than those from the meat juice ELISA (38.5 vs. 27.9; P < 0.001), and the mean difference between them was significantly different from zero (P < 0.0001). The overall correlation coefficient between serum ELISA and meat juice ELISA results was low (r = 0.53). These results indicated an important disagreement between ELISA performed on serum and meat juice matrices and suggested that before implementing a control program to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella in swine the choice of matrix on which to perform the ELISA should be carefully considere

    MOSRA: Joint Mean Opinion Score and Room Acoustics Speech Quality Assessment

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    The acoustic environment can degrade speech quality during communication (e.g., video call, remote presentation, outside voice recording), and its impact is often unknown. Objective metrics for speech quality have proven challenging to develop given the multi-dimensionality of factors that affect speech quality and the difficulty of collecting labeled data. Hypothesizing the impact of acoustics on speech quality, this paper presents MOSRA: a non-intrusive multi-dimensional speech quality metric that can predict room acoustics parameters (SNR, STI, T60, DRR, and C50) alongside the overall mean opinion score (MOS) for speech quality. By explicitly optimizing the model to learn these room acoustics parameters, we can extract more informative features and improve the generalization for the MOS task when the training data is limited. Furthermore, we also show that this joint training method enhances the blind estimation of room acoustics, improving the performance of current state-of-the-art models. An additional side-effect of this joint prediction is the improvement in the explainability of the predictions, which is a valuable feature for many applications.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Estrés pre-competitivo en jugadores adolescentes de bádminton

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    El trabajo se basó en comprobar el orden de los síntomas relacionados con el estrés en las horas previas a la competición. También se comparó el estrés total entre categorías (sub 13 y sub 17) y sexos (masculino y femenino), y se determinó si existían correlaciones entre el estrés con las horas de entrenamiento y la posición que ocupaban los jugadores en el ranking. La muestra que participó en el estudio fue de 128 sujetos y se realizó durante un Circuito Nacional de Categorías Inferiores (sub-13 y sub-17) de máximo nivel. El instrumento utilizado fue la lista de síntomas de estrés precompetitivo Infanto Juvenil (De Rose Jr., 1996). Los síntomas de estrés pre-competitivo que se encontraron con mayor frecuencia en los jugadores estaban relacionados con las emociones y conductas. Por otro lado, las chicas de la categoría sub-17 presentaron mayores niveles de estrés en relación a los chicos de su misma categoría, en las horas previas a la competición (Masculino = 74.40 ± 16.11, Femenino = 80.75 ± 15.22; P < .05) que podrían estar relacionados con el mayor abandono en la práctica deportiva de este colectivo. No hubo relación entre el estrés y las horas de entrenamiento (r =.01; P = .92) o la posición en el ranking (r = -.12; P = .116). En conclusión las chicas jugadoras de bádminton sub-17 presentaron mayores niveles de estrés en relación a los chicos de su misma categoría y los jugadores adolescentes de bádminton se muestran entusiasmados ante la llegada de la competición deportiva.The paper was based on finding out the order of stress-related symptoms in pre- competition hours. We also compared total stress between categories (Under-13 and Under-17) and gender, and determined whether there existed any correlations between stress and hours of training, and stress and players' position in the ranking. The study sample consisted of 128 subjects and was carried out during a top level badminton National Junior Circuit. The instrument used was the pre-competitive stress symptoms list - children and youths (De Rose Jr., 1996). The symptoms of pre-competitive stress most frequently found in players were related to emotions and behaviors. Girls under 17 had higher levels of stress than boys in the same category, in the hours before the competition (boys = 74.40 ± 16.11, girls = 80.75 ± 15.22; P < .05), which could be related to the higher dropout from sport of this group. There was no relationship between stress and hours of training (r = .01; P = .92) or position in the ranking (r = -.12; P = .116). In conclusion, Under-17 girl badminton players had higher levels of stress compared to boys in the same category, and youth badminton players are enthusiastic about the arrival of competition.O trabalho visou comprovar a ordem dos sintomas relacionados com o stress nas horas prévias à competição. De igual modo, procurou-se avaliar o stress total entre escalões (Sub-13 e Sub-17) e géneros (masculino e feminino), e determinar se existiam correlações entre o stess e as horas de treino e a posição que os jogadores ocupavam no ranking. A amostra que participou no estudo foi de 128 sujeitos e foi realizada durante o Circuito Nacional de Escalões Inferiores (Sub-13 e Sub-17) de elite. O instrumento utilizado foi a lista de sintomas de stress pré-competitivo Infanto-Juvenil (De Rose Jr., 1996). Os sintomas de stress pré-competitivo que se encontraram com maior frequência nos jogadores estavam relacionados com as emoções e comportamentos. Por outro lado, as raparigas do escalão Sub-17 apresentaram níveis mais elevados de stress comparativamente com os rapazes do mesmo escalão, nas horas prévias à competição (Masculino = 74.40 ± 16.11, Feminino = 80.75 ± 15.22; P < .05) que poderá estar relacionados com o maior índice de abandono da prática desportiva neste grupo. Não se verificou relação entre o stress e as horas de treino (r = .01; P = .92) ou a posição no ranking (r = -.12; P = .116). Em conclusão, as raparigas jogadoras de badminton Sub-17 apresentaram maiores níveis de stress relativamente aos rapazes do mesmo escalão e os jogadores adolescentes de badminton mostram-se entusiasmados antes do início da competição desportiva

    The importance of inhaler devices: the choice of inhaler device may lead to suboptimal adherence in COPD patients

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    This study aims to identify factors associated with poor adherence to COPD treatment in patients receiving a fixed-dose combination (FDC) of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β2-agonist (ICS/LABA), focusing on the importance of inhaler devices. ..

    Problemas resueltos de álgebra, cálculo y ecuaciones diferenciales relacionados con ODS

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    La consecución global de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y la Agenda 2030 es un propósito que solo se alcanzará en la medida en que todos los agentes sociales se involucren. Es evidente que la Universidad debe ser uno de los instrumentos que promueva la concienciación de la ciudadanía en los problemas de sostenibilidad y la formación necesaria para aportar las soluciones que nos lleven hacia ese nuevo horizonte. Los contenidos evaluables de las asignaturas básicas de formación matemática que se imparten en los grados de la EINA y la EUPT por sí solos no capacitan en principio al alumnado para aportar a la consecución de la Agenda 2030; aunque son imprescindibles para fundamentar los conocimientos posteriores del resto de la titulación correspondiente, que sí se relacionan más directamente con los ODS y por lo tanto con la Agenda2030. Además, en literatura reciente, aparecen ejemplos contextualizados en los diferentes ODS que pueden trabajarse con herramientas matemáticas básicas incluidas en las asignaturas de los grados